Overview of Christian Bible Church Academy


Christian Bible Church Academy is an Educational Ministry of Discipleship to the Lord Jesus Christ.

It began as a ministry of Christian Bible Church in September of 1983 and has continued through the years to serve Christian families in the greater Nashua area. To date, over 60 graduates are serving God in the ministry, medical field, education, military, hi-tech, and various other trades and professions.


Christian Bible Church Academy exists to train students to discover and be equipped to fulfill the will of God for their life. We seek to assist each student fulfill the maximum spiritual and academic potential which God has invested in their life. C.B.C.A. seeks to integrate the truth of Scripture into every aspect of the curriculum and school program in order to develop Christ-like character in each student.

We use the curriculum of Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) in grades K through 12. This is an individualized curriculum, which is tailored to the specific academic abilities of each student. By the time our students reach high school, it is common for most of them to be testing 2 to 3 grade levels above the national norm on the Stanford Achievement Test. In addition to math, English, science, social studies, word building, and literature & creative writing, the curriculum also includes various classes in Bible, music, art, computer science, physical education, and various other elective courses.

Each year students participate in the New England Student Convention of A.C.E. in Schroon Lake, New York. From there many have gone on to participate in the International Student Convention of A.C.E. by traveling to Arizona, Texas, Indiana, and Tennessee when the Convention was conducted at those locations. Students have the opportunity of competing in over 120 different events in various athletic, academic, musical, art and other categories.

It is our intent to work closely with Godly parents in rearing their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. It is our philosophy that when there is a consistency in the home, church, and school, that Christian young people will grow strong and consistent in their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill the academic potential that God has invested in their lives.